Windows 11 24H2, Windows 11 23H2 or Windows 10 22H2: UM20 Camera Not Recognized in Device Manager After System Update
Antvirus software like Kaspersky may delete some files in the UM Viewer software,
such as the fource-stack executable file. This will prevent the use of EDOF.
Software Requirement:
Before using UM Viewer software, please confirm your computer meet the system requirement.
When UM Viewer can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software, please follow the instructions below to let MAC safely open it.
Bevor Sie die UM Viewer-Software verwenden, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Ihr Computer die Systemanforderungen erfüllt.
If you're not able to install UM Viewer or unable to connect Microscope to software, please refer to UmViewer non-working problem.
If you ever operate UmViewer software but unable to use it again, please refer to Unable to open UM Viewer software.
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